Salesforce Admins podcast - All That Talking

So this post this post has been a long time coming... I discovered the Salesforce Admins podcast very early in my Admin journey, and it has been a staple ever since. I love all the advice and insight from people all over the world, and have even made some great friends as a result.  After quite the summer, I'm finally getting a chance to write about it -  just in time for International Podcast Day.

From my first listen, I knew I wanted to be a guest, and officially added this to my Salesforce goals list after meeting Mike Gerholdt at Toronto Salesforce World Tour last year.

And so it's finally happened!

I recorded my interview with Senior Lightning Adoption Consutltant, Kelly Walker and Podcast Producer, Celia Belarde, a few weeks ago - kicking off a six issue spotlight on Lightning Champions. Regular host of the podcast, Princpal Admin Evangelist, Gillian Bruce, is currently taking a break from hosting duties at the moment, so the original host and creator of the podcast, Senior Director, Admin Evangelism, Mike Gerholdt, is back behind the mic, which got me thinking... As someone relatively new to the ecosystem, I've only ever known the pod in its current iteration, as hosted by Gillian. So I did I did what any curious blogger would - did some reasearch and went straight to the source.

Before it was the Salesforce Admins podcast, it was the ButtonClick Admin podcast - a community podcast hosted by Mike, who at the time was a customer with a passion for helping other admins in the ecosystem.

"The idea came from the fact that hearing stories from other admins at events was way more powerful than reading the words on a screen in a blog post." Mike explained. "I was also looking to expand the choices of medium available on the ButtonClick Admin site. Hearing someone's passion is addictive."

He's certainly right there! Hearing passionate members of this community from around the world has lead to many wonderful friendships - I was particularly excited when I heard an Aussie accent on the podcast last year, and ended up connecting with Bec Aichholzer from Brisbane. We met in person at Dreamforce last year, and actually ended presenting a session together at Down Under Dreamin' Sydney last month. That's the power of the pod!

In this day an age we are almost spoiled for resources, especially in the Salesforce ecosystem, yet the Admins podcast is still such an important resource. "Podcasts give you the freedom to continue to consume knowledge while doing other things you love. Like you can drive your car and listen to a podcast. Walk your dog and listen to a podcast."

It even celebrated 500,000 downloads last year - "Our podcast shares incredible stories of knowledge of people that are having a tremendous impact in their career, company, or community. How this podcast doesn't get a million downloads per episode is beyond me." I certainly couldn't agree more, as an Admin, the podcast continues to be one of my favourite resources. If you haven't already, please make sure you subscribe so you can get the newest episodes as soon as they're released!

For the Salesforce Admins Blog post on my episode, click here.

Special thanks to Mike Gerholdt for contributing to this post, and for starting the podcast way back when.

Catch you next time, in the cloud!

Soundtrack: All That Talking - The Cat Empire


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