Road to Dreamforce Part 4: You're Welcome

Are you attending my session, Empower your Admin and Supercharge your Business?

Welcome to this week's Adventures in Salesforcing, or rather, E Komo Mai!

I've only been active in the community since Trailheadx in March, but that is in huge part thanks to Misty Jones and Monica Sandberg, who make it their mission to welcome new members to the Ohana, or as they like to say "E Komo Mai", which means "welcome" or "come on in" in Hawaiian.

Misty and Monica have been performing welcoming duties since they joined the community in 2012 and 2011 respectively. When they attended their first Dreamforces, they knew no one and nothing about what they were getting themselves in to - it can be easy to feel alone amongst a sea of 170,000+ people when you're by yourself. Since then, they've set out to make sure that no one has to go through it alone.

They both know the importance of being integrated into the Ohana as soon as you can as a means of getting the most out of Salesforce events, and what they can do for you. For me, it opened me up to so many new people and new experiences, including attending and speaking at Dreamforce!

They've been arranging dinners and meet ups for a number of years, and took on the phrase of E Komo Mai before this year's Trailheadx. I signed up for as many dinners at Trailheadex as I could, because I too knew nothing and no one. As a matter of fact, it was at the first of these that I actually met my future Dreamforce co-presenter, Michelle! Here is my official E Komo Mai photo with Misty and Monica (and Lacey!).

So now on to E Komo Mai at Dreamforce. Are you flyin' solo, looking to make some new friends, or just want to recognise a few faces in the crowd through the week? Well I have some good news for you! The official E Komo Mai Welcome Party is happening on Monday September 24, 2-4pm. You can register to attend here: E Komo Mai Registration

Misty and Monica have a session at Dreamforce about their Trailblazer journeys, and how the power of the Ohana has helped them - Trailblazer Community 101: Hack Your Career, Life, & Improve the World. They will also be welcoming new members of the Ohana at the Trailblazer Community Cove Gratitude tree on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 12:30pm - 1:00pm.

So whether or not you're brand new to Dreamforce, and/or Salesforce, E Komo Mai. I hope you're able to connect with members of the community, and make your week an unforgettable one - come on in, the water's warm!


Soundtrack: You're Welcome - from "Moana"


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