Summer of Less.... Blogging: I Don't Wanna Stop

There's been a lot of talk of the "Summer of Less" lately... and unfortunately it seems I was only able to achieve the summer of less blogging... Here's what I've been up to - the good and the bad.

I went to TrailheaDX and had a great time - learnt a lot, spent time with some amazing people, failed some exams, and unfortunately managed to catch a really nasty bug. I came home, passed my Advanced Admin exam on my third try, and then got really sick. I work remotely, so will usually work through the usual stuff that keeps most people from the office... but I couldn't get out of bed for two days... and it was several weeks before I really felt like myself again - whatever I caught seriously kicked my ass.

So while trying to get over whatever it was I caught, it was also time for the final countdown to True North Dreamin. The last few weeks were definitely the most hectic of the whole planning experience, but I enjoyed every second of it.

Before I knew it, it was show day. Attendees from all over Canada, and other countries came together for the first ever Canadian Salesforce Community Conference. Our team really outdid themselves - the energy in the room was infectious, and the feedback we received has been overwhelmingly positive.

My cup was so full from this event - being able to help the Canadian Community to experience the wonderful Ohana Spirit I have been fortunate to experience was a downright privilege.

And then something happened I wasn't expecting. I had an anxiety attack. After being on such an emotional high at TND, a couple of situations brought me right back down to Earth... and down further than I realised, and I had my first ever anxiety attack at a work event. Reflecting on this now, I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that I haven't blogged over the Summer. I hadn't realised what a calming affect it has on me!

It was then it was time for some rest and self care, and as luck would have it, time for WITness Success. It couldn't have come at a better time - I was able to spend some time with my most favourite Lady Buddies and absorb the truly unique content that this event provides. It really did wonders for the soul!

So with that, Summer is sadly coming to an end. Having an anxiety attack was certainly not anything I was ever expecting, and it's changed a lot for me. I'm all of a sudden so much more aware of my anxiety, and am learning that things I thought were normal, or that I've struggled with for a long time, are actually anxiety related. It's quite the learning curve.

As for what's next, I'm gearing up for mine and my hubby's favourite weekend of the year, our annual pilgrimage to Fan Expo Canada, and then I'm leaving on a jet plane to go home, see some family and friends, and swing by Down Under Dreaming Sydney!

So I'm back after taking an unintentional break... I certainly don't wanna stop for this long again, as it clearly had a bigger impact than I realised.

Soundtrack: I Don't Wanna Stop - The Bamboos (Strings Version)
Photos: Amazing Lady Buddies who give me strength and courage every day.


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